Academic Materials

What Makes Man Truly Human

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Michael Moga, S.J | Product Code: DMKW-SP02150

₱ 180.00


8 available stock

Weight (grams): 500

Author/s: Michael Moga, S.J

Size: 5 x 8 inches

Materials: Paperback - actual weight - 300g

No of Pages: 203

ISBN: 971-504-631-2

Editorial Reviews:

About the Author:

FR. MICHAEL D. MOGA has written other phenomenological studies such as Human Seeing, Human Time, and Human Worlds. For his students he has written textbooks such as Towards Authentic Morality, In Search of True Religion, The Enduring Questions, and The Worlds of Human Morality. He is Presently teaching in Zamboanga.


 Indicated weight is the Dimensional weight, also known as volumetric weight, which uses an estimated weight that is calculated from the length, width, and height of a package.

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